November 6, 2023
Brandy And Ray J’s Mom Hospitalized After Bad Reaction To IV Therapy
Brandy and Ray J's mom, Sonja Norwood, is recovering after being hospitalized for a bad reaction to an at-home IV hydration session.
Brandy and Ray J’s mom, Sonja Norwood, is recovering after being hospitalized for a bad reaction to an at-home IV hydration session.
Norwood was rushed to the hospital last month after receiving IV therapy, which is known to deliver essential vitamins and nutrients directly to the bloodstream, TMZ reports. The longtime momager was getting in on the new celebrity trend and decided to try IV therapy.
Norwood was receiving an IV drip that included a mix of vitamins B and C as well as calcium and magnesium. While it’s done to combat health ailments, side effects can include infection, rashes, blood clots, air embolism, and more.
Apparently, things went left during Norwood’s treatment when she started feeling lightheaded and experiencing rapid breathing. After a trip to the hospital, Mama Norwood was brought back to a normal state, and all was well.
In 2018, Kendall Jenner was hospitalized after a bad reaction to IV therapy, People reports. The Doctors host Dr. Travis Stork, an ER physician, says the IV therapy trend spread throughout Hollywood as a treatment for bad hangovers. Due to its mix of B vitamins, vitamin C, and magnesium, celebrities were already seeking out IV hydration even before the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.
“Vitamin drips and IVs after a night of drinking are an expensive option and definitely not a cure-all,” he said.
“They can provide hydration as well as electrolytes, which you may be lacking after a night of partying or over-imbibing. Despite the hype, though, there are no ‘cures’ for a hangover other than time, since many symptoms are from the buildup of toxic alcohol metabolites.”
But with the rise of private businesses providing at-home IV hydration, Stork warns that not all treatments are FDA-approved.
“Any IV usage involves a small risk of infection—you can also experience pain, bleeding, or bruising if the needle misses the vein,” he said. “More serious complications of an IV treatment can include a blood clot or inflammation of the vein. Although very rare, improperly inserted IVs can create a stroke-causing air embolism or cause the fluids to leak into nearby tissue. Additionally, some vitamins in large doses can be toxic.”
“These types of IV therapies are not FDA endorsed or regulated,” Stork continued. “The places or people that offer these treatments may not always be legit, so be careful.”
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