It’s great to have the right mindset when you wake up in the morning. Oftentimes, not loathing Mondays can only happen when one can mentally prepare themselves to do great things on any day—or at least approach the day with a positive set of goals and attainable tasks. contributor Matthew Toren offers a great way of doing this and details three important questions
that many successful, close-to-happy people ask themselves weekly, if not daily. (I’m not exactly “successful” per se, but in seeking to earn the title, I ask these questions as well.)1. Who can I help today? If, in the least, I can email someone a resource, tweet out an opportunity or assist with a project that I’m not even the lead on, I feel I’ve had somewhat of a productive day. Plus, who doesn’t like others who can help them do something? Who?
2. What can I do better today? I actually find this to be something that makes life that much less boring or monotonous. If you are constantly challenging yourself, especially to strengthen skills that will lead to advancement—or simly self-fulfilmment—you will never have time to say “I’m
bored.” There’s always something new to learn or improve on. For me, lately, it’s been emotional intelligence and organization.3. How can I create value today? As a millennial, creating value is almost like breathing. (Hey, I’m a bit biased, but there are numbers that support this. Trust me.) There’s a freedom and power in adding value, and each day it could be something new
and different, or an action that builds upon a previous value-adding effort. If you can make doing business more innovative and lead to more dollars for the bottom line—while not totally losing yourself or the respect of others—you’ve added value.Check out more on this at, and tell me how these three questions play a role in your everyday work like on Twitter @JPHazelwood.