November 26, 2020
Black Power Clothing Releases The Ultimate Black-Owned Businesses Guide
A much-needed guide has just been released that lists businesses owned by Black people. Black Power Clothing has just announced that they have published The Ultimate Black-Owned Businesses Guide.
The free guide is now available on it’s website, Black Power Clothing. The company promises that the business guide will continue to grow and there will be more businesses added. The guide includes over 350 businesses and they are broken down into nine categories and 83 sub-categories to make it easy for shoppers to find what they’re looking for. The businesses listed in the guide also include online and local brick-and-mortar businesses.
“Millions of consumers want to change the world with their wallets,” said Tarek Williams, the founder of Black Power Clothing and the creator of the Ultimate Black-Owned Businesses Guide. “This guide allows them to support Black-owned businesses. By supporting these businesses, they are ultimately supporting the communities in which the owners and employees live. The Guide will help the African-American community continue to grow, financially and culturally.”
The main purpose of the publication of the guide is to try to help mitigate some of the damage that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused within and toward minority communities. The Ultimate Black-Owned Businesses Guide provides small- and medium-sized businesses a new marketing outlet that allows them to reach a specific, highly-motivated clientele.
“Our goal is to help people find a Black-owned business to meet each of their needs,” Williams said. “This gives consumers an alternative to mainstream businesses and will help the Black economy to grow.”
The Ultimate Black-Owned Businesses Guide was conceived and created by Tarek Williams with help from countless members and supporters of the Black community across the country. The Guide is the first stage in an ongoing mission to deliver Black-owned businesses more customers and to create more financial independence in the Black community-at-large.