April 18, 2022
Black Millionaire ‘Whisperer’ Dr. Dennis Kimbro Shares How Courage and Vision are the Pathway to Wealth
After talking to 1,000 Black millionaires, Dr. Dennis Kimbro, author of “The Wealth Choice” and the New York Times best-seller, “Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice,” is sharing their secrets to lift up the Black community.
Dr. Kimbro is a lecturer, researcher, professor at Clark Atlanta University, and an authority on leadership and wealth. Resulting in numerous accolades and opportunities, his work has impacted the lives of many on a global scale. Dr. Kimbro explains, “In order to achieve wealth, you must be extraordinarily convinced in your belief that you are qualified to manifest anything and everything you want in your life.”
From his book, “The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires,” Dr. Kimbro embarked on a seven-year journey delving into the lives of recognized and accomplished leaders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities. He found out that the secret to success and wealth is less about accumulating cash, and more so about exhibiting courage.
Dr. Dennis Kimbro recognized that courage alone is not enough and must be accompanied by something else, vision.
“A person without vision is likely the most dangerous person in a room,” says Kimbro. He focuses less on whether a person actually reaches their goal but more on a person having a vision with goals in mind and the courage to go after them.
Kimbro goes on to share how “Those who want more, want to be more, and have the vision and courage to work to achieve more.”
He is available for speaking engagements to provide the blueprint. Living by the core belief, “The true measure of a man is determined by how many lives he touched along the way.”
Dr. Kimbro continues to touch the lives of the Black community’s next generation of leaders and the business industry worldwide.
Get his books at DennisKimbroSpeaks.com and begin the personal journey towards Black wealth. Publisher Dr. Pam Perry says this is the best issue to understand real wealth to date.
“The nuggets that Dr. Kimbro shares continue to change people’s lives,” she said.
Speakers Magazine for April also includes:
– Dr. Vikki Johnson
– Tanya Smith
– Roz Miller Choice
– Daj’za Demmings
– Dr. Jonas Gadson
– Leilani M. Brown
– Kimberly Buchanan
– Crys Wood
Each month, Speakers Magazine, which is the official magazine of Black Speakers Network, is proud to exhibit speakers who are walking in their purpose to share and impact the lives of others. Speakers Magazine speakers are available to speak on a wide variety of topics that impact and inspire lives for positive change.
Visit SpeakersMagazine.com. Watch the Cover Reveal of Speakers Magazine with Dr. Kimbro, Dr. Brian Olds and Cier Black here.
This article first appeared on Blacknews.com.