Black Men Discuss Key Topics In The 2024 Presidential Election 

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The Associated Press reports that Black men have become the leading demographic discussing the issues surrounding the 2024 presidential election

The campaign of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has refocused the lens on Black men, identifying them as the most persuadable groups of voters for both parties. The parties have heard the concerns of Black men, who often feel their experiences and political preferences are pushed aside in public debate ahead of the election. 

Across the country, organizations have gathered to host Black men and provide a safe space to voice opinions. The Black Man Lab, a weekly “safe, sacred and healing space” for those in the metro Atlanta area, sees close to 100 men per week who come together to pray and talk through challenges and triumphs facing them and their communities. 

In a meeting that occurred shortly after President Joe Biden stepped aside to allow Harris to take over, Black men were identified as the target of both parties. “Black men are the target, and we hold the keys to the kingdom. This is our moment,” Lance Robertson, executive director of the Black City Councilmen of Georgia, said. 

“The Black man has built America. Now it’s time for the Black man to save America.”

According to the outlet, traditionally, the demographic tends to lean toward the Democratic ticket, but in 2024, those under age 40, in particular, are being labeled as attainable voters. Experts are watching how the demographic turns out at the polls as they hold a strong deciding factor in November. Bishop Reginald Jackson believes that Black men were skeptical about this political season from the beginning,

and with all the changes, the suspicion kept up. “To be frank, I think early on in this process, a lot of Black men viewed this election with much skepticism and dread,” Jackson, who presides over the 534 African Methodist Episcopal churches in Georgia, said. 

“But since the change in the Democratic ticket, there has been a turnaround. I think they feel they have something that they can support. I think a lot of issues which made a lot of them skeptical are being addressed.”

Younger voters’ concerns lean toward wealth creation, entrepreneurship, police reform, and anti-discrimination policies in the workplace. However, economic policy is at the top of older voters’ minds. According to Newsweek, Black men have been hesitant to announce which ballot they are supporting because of a sense of entitled loyalty to

Harris as a Black woman. “It seems that Harris is entitled to the Black male vote simply because she is a Black woman. I do not recall an election where working-class Black men resoundingly decided that Harris should be the party’s nominee for U.S. president,” writer Irami Osei-Frimpong said. 

“But apparently, that’s irrelevant. Apparently, we’re not allowed to question the best candidate or best economic policy for us. Instead, we are expected to surrender our vote to party leadership and pull the lever based on the candidate’s race and gender.

Some have a hard time identifying why they are supporting Trump over Harris. Journalist Don Lemon interviewed Black voters on Atlantic City’s boardwalk, and when he asked one Black man why he was voting red in November, he couldn’t come up with a reason other than that he just thought Harris would only make a good vice president. 

However, several Black male groups have rallied around the HBCU graduate. Black Men PAC announced a recent campaign of $4 million to encourage Black men in swing states to vote for Harris. Co-founder and board chair Frank White believes Black men are the difference between Harris winning over Trump. “Black men can be the difference between winning and losing,” White said. “Kamala is a better investment.”

RELATED CONTENT: Battleground State Polls Show VP Kamala Harris Tied With Trump But Outperforming With Black Voters 

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