The biggest lesson we learned about branding in the digital space…
Was that people need a reason to remember you. You need to make yourself unforgettable. You are your brand so your brand needs to be credible. If your brand is not credible then you will be viewed as unreliable.
People trust our brand because…
Our viewership has always seen our transparency and honesty as a great benefit. From the beginning we have put ourselves out there. We tell about our successes as well as our failures in hopes that people would be benefited by both. Our strategies have been tried and have been proven to be successful over time. Our techniques are very doable and we strive to take complex concepts and make sure that anybody can put them to use.
Networking is important in the digital space because…
Technology has become our unlimited mouthpiece. Networking is a vast web and it helps to strengthen your brand. It links people and events from all over the world instantly. Aside from our blog and television appearances, we cast an international net with our expansive YouTube presence. We utilize Facebook and Twitter to connect with our viewership and colleagues on a daily basis.
The best piece of business advice we ever got was…
One of our husbands once told us, “The effort that you put into your vision separates whether or not you have a business or a hobby.”
How we measure success is…
When one of our followers tells us that they have become successful at saving and we changed their life.
The advice we have for anyone who wants to follow in our footsteps is…
Practice first. Ask yourself the hard questions: Do I know how to save money in all areas of my life? Take progressive steps. Don’t try to do so much at once. Build your brand slowly and methodically. People often make the mistake of doing too much up front and end up as a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none.
Next on the horizon for us is…
We are currently producing our own Internet based show titled, “Let’s Save Money.” In addition, there has been quite a bit of interest brought our way for us to entertain the idea of having our own reality show, talk show and even a book! We would love for this to be the next step for D$D!
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