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BE’s Guide for Success in 2017: Your Money


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The Black Enterprise Guide for Success in 2017 will help you get your finances, career, and life in order for the New Year. In this series, you’ll find a selection of hand-picked stories providing tips and expert advice as you journey toward becoming more financially, professionally, and personally sound.

To begin, here’s a round-up of articles that will lead you onto the pathway of financial freedom and prosperity in 2017.


5 Books You Need to Get on the Road to Financial Freedom in 2017


Add these books to your personal library for 2017, and you’ll be headed in the right direction toward living the financial life of your dreams.


(Image: iStock.com/Mariemlulu)



It’s hard to believe that 2016 is practically over. If you’re anything like me, you started the year with a list of goals to complete before it even started. Each year, one of my top priorities is to become closer to my goal of financial freedom. Whatever that may mean for you, I’ve compiled a list of five books that will help jump-start your road to financial freedom in this next year… READ MORE


5 Ways to Get Your Money Right for the New Year

If your goal is to have more wealth at the end of 2017 than you did at the start of the year, here are five simple ways to achieve this.



(Image: iStock.com/Pixfly)

Get your money right for the New Year with a few simple, easy to follow steps. Your goal: To have more wealth at the end of this year than you did when it began. READ MORE

#BankBlack: 5 Ways to Increase Your Wealth Mentality


In an exclusive interview, Teri Williams, president of one of the largest black-owned banks in America, talks about living a full life, the importance of the #BankBlack movement, and how to increase your wealth mentality.



(Imagea: iStock.com/SIphotography)


Williams is the president of OneUnited Bank. She’s a graduate of Harvard Business School, a mother of two, and has been married for 25 years. OneUnited has more than $620 million in assets under management, and this summer launched a social media campaign that caught the attention of a host of A-list celebs.

While OneUnited Bank has more than $648 million in assets under management, ranking No. 2 on the BE 100s Banks list, this conversation is less about how to make more money, and more about how to increase your money mentality. During my time with Williams, I learned five ways to increase my wealth mentality. READ MORE



Click below to check out each part of BE’s Guide for Success in 2017 series:


Your Career


Your Life


Your Money

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