Latest Articles
- Not-for-profit
- Black woman entrepreneur
- for-profit
- Rue Mapp
- Outdoor Fro
- Outdoor Afro Inc
- Newsletter 1
- nature business
by Atiya Jordan
- Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon
- Oneika Raymond
- travel experts
- JetSetSarah
- Oneika the Traveller
- Ms. Jetsetter
- Tracey McGhee
- black travelers
by Atiya Jordan
- black woman entrepreneurs
- sephora
- Newsletter 4
- Brown Girl jane
- Fifteen Percent Pledge
- fragrances
by Atiya Jordan
- baby products
- black woman entrepreneurs
- TinkyPoo
- New Jersey
by Atiya Jordan
- equity and inclusion
- Flag Football
- Women’s National Football Conference
- Odessa “OJ” Jenkins
by Atiya Jordan
- small business owners
- Black Founders
- black creators
- TikTok
- Black Girl Ventures
by Atiya Jordan
- Shelley V. Worrell
- RJ White
- Gwendolyn Butler
- retail sales
- Esi Eggleston Bracey
- black real estate developers
- Black history month 2024
- Newsletter 3
- Marian Rogers Croak
by Atiya Jordan
- lawsuit
- integration
- Cincinnati
by Atiya Jordan