Jasmine Jackson

Jasmine Jackson

Crystal Etienne is a mom, wife and multitasking businesswoman. Recognizing that the hygiene and personal care industry needed safer, healthier and easier options for individuals of all ages and genders, Crystal spent years testing hundreds of prototypes, tweaking designs, and being her own best guinea pig to perfect the exact equation of design, technology, fit and most importantly, security behind each product. She launched PantyProp, now known as Ruby Love, on December 5, 2015, with products available for purchase shortly thereafter in January 2016.

Crystal rebranded her company as Ruby Love, relaunching on June 5, 2019. “Ruby” denotes your period, a timeless gem symbolizing health and growth, while “Love” represents our commitment to continue to deliver the highest level of care.

Together, Ruby Love brings to life the brand’s supportive, unifying messaging that periods should never stop women from doing, being and going.

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