Latest Articles
- budgeting
- household budget
- family budgeting
by Aisha I. Jefferson
- buying black
- consumer spending
- black consumers
- consumer education
- consumer activism
- National Consumer Protection Week
- economic empowerment
by Aisha I. Jefferson
- Small Business
- Entrepreneurship
- Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference
- black-owned businesses
- Buy Black
by Aisha I. Jefferson
- TV
- Diversity
- Burrell Communications Group
- black consumers
- BE 100s
- comcast
- NBC Universal
by Aisha I. Jefferson
- workplace
- corporate leadership
- executive leadership
- business leadership
- leadership lessons
by Aisha I. Jefferson
- workplace
- retail sales
- retail industry
by Aisha I. Jefferson
- Shopsmart
- retail sales
- Retail pricing
- discount luxury goods
- Money Management
- shopping
- saving
- budget
- retail
by Aisha I. Jefferson
- money habits
- savings habits
- financial hardship
- living with adult children
- boomerang generation
- boomerangers
- boomerang kids
- living with parents
by Aisha I. Jefferson