Whether you are at home, at work, or in the car, don’t miss a chance to be uplifted, inspired, and empowered. From gardening projects to soft hymns, these inspirational items can help you welcome spring and brighten your spirit.
Labor of love
Messengers: Portraits of African American Ministers, Evangelists, Gospel Singers, and Other Messengers of the Word (Doubleday; $29.95), offers touching personal reflections from a diverse group of 25 men and
Change is good. The late political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi left his mark not only on India but also the world with his ability to achieve change via nonviolent means. This handmade “Be the change” sterling silver necklace
(www.uncommongoods.com; $60) offers his simple yet powerful words for everyday reflection. Delicately draped above an inscription that reads “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” is a gold-plated bronze pendant representing Earth. This necklace is small in size yet enormous in inspiration.Soothing sounds. Jeff Majors uses the classical harp as his instrument of choice to offer listeners “a rich amalgam of gospel, jazz, R&B, and pop, seamlessly sown
through everything from classic hymns to righteous rap and hip-hop.” His most recent album, Sacred Chapter 6 (www.jeffmajors.com; $18.99), is the midpoint in his 12 album labor of love, The Sacred Series. The album is comprised of original songs as well as his interpretation of The Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 99. Oprah Winfrey already gave him her seal of approval; maybe you should too.Start from scratch. With springtime upon us, why not do the Earth a favor and plant something? Of course, not everyone has a green thumb, which makes the Garden Sprinkles Flower Seed Set (www.hallmark.com; $19.95) even more attractive. Each of the six decorative tins holds the seeds for blooming lavender, viola, forget-me-not, fragrant flowers, sweet pea, and butterfly flower gardens. Fragrances of freshness will fill the air as you start the first blooms indoors in the accompanying peat pot carrier.