October 13, 2022
Alex Jones’ Mouth Wrote a Check His A** Can’t Cash After Jury Awards Nearly $1B to Sandy Hook Families
Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy theorist who terrorized the families of Sandy Hook shooting victims with lies and conspiracy theories, is on the hook for an astounding $965 million.
After a trial in Texas, a Connecticut jury rendered a verdict that found the Infowars founder liable for his lies after the families of the shooting sued Jones over his poisonous perceptions of the incident.
Jones is ordered to pay nearly $1 billion. The far-right radio show host is being held responsible for $965 million for eight families according to CNN. On Wednesday the Connecticut jury awarded the families and a first responder for compensatory damages, meaning compensation for what the plaintiffs lost and a penalty for the defendant’s wrongful actions.
Caught in a web of lies, Jones must pay more than $1 billion in total for tormenting the families of other Sandy Hook victims. In August, a Texas jury decided the prominent conspiracy theorist would pay $45.2 million in punitive damages to the family of Jesse Lewis.
How far can you go down the rabbit hole, until you can’t find your way back?
Jones said that he didn’t have the money to pay all plaintiffs in a broadcast Wednesday, according to CNN. The 15 total plaintiffs include the family of a 27-year-old school teacher, a former FBI agent, the family of a 56-year-old school employee, the daughter of a school principal, and parents of the victims.
Jones claimed that the Sandy Hook shooting was a government hoax. Robert Parker, the father of six-year-old victim, Emilie, was accused of being one of many actors who participated in staging the tragic event, according to The Texas Tribune.
Jones’ Infowars website claims the billion dollar verdict is an indication of the end of free speech in the United States.
According to The Washington Post, former President Donald Trump supported Jones.
Jones is also under scrutiny for the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.