December 28, 2020
71-Year-Old Black Man Sues Police Department After South Carolina Cops Held Him Nude at Gunpoint
A Black man in South Carolina is suing the local police department for being held outside at gunpoint completely nude by police officers. According to CNN, the incident, which took place in Rock Hill, South Carolina, in June 2019, involved 71-year-old Jethro DeVane who was ordered by police to stand outside his home completely nude while they held him at gunpoint.
A video of the incident that took place on June 3, 2019, was recently released.
DeVane’s attorney said his client was asleep when he was awakened by bright lights in his yard. Getting out of bed to check out what was happening, Rock Hill police officers startled him by saying they were allegedly pursuing four minors who they claim were breaking into vehicles.
One of the officers, Vincent Mentesana, can be heard on camera yelling at DeVane, while forcing him to stand outside in the nude.