May 20, 2014
African American Festival Performer: 10 Facts about Performer Jacob Latimore
We are four weeks away from the African American Festival (which will take place June 21-22 in Baltimore at the Camden Yards Sports Complex). As we have been doing weekly, we’re again highlighting another featured performer for the festival. Today’s artist is Jacob Latimore. As with the previous performers, we will list 10 facts, but, the treat for this one is that Latimore provided these himself.
So, enjoy and remember to click the link above to find out all the information you need to know about the festival!
1. I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2. I iron my pillow cases but I can’t sleep with a pillow.
3. My room has to be clean and neat at all times.
4. I vacuum my room every day when I’m home.
5. I like to listen to meditation music while doing homework.
RELATED LINK: Baltimore African American Festival Performer: 10 Facts about Performer Johnny Gill
6. My first feature film was Vanishing on 7th Street with Hayden Christanen, Thandie Newton and John Leguizamo.
7. I love sunglasses.
8. Floyd Mayweather is my favorite athlete.
9. Winter is my favorite season.
10. Kenny Lattimore is my cousin but my last name is spelled with one “t”.