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7 Most Effective Ways to Prepare for the New Year

Originally Published Dec. 31, 2016

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As we close out the year’s holiday’s festivities we begin to open ourselves up to the endless possibilities that reside in the New Year.n Now is the time when we should be thinking of a master plan in order to make 2024 as impactful, and exceptional as we know it will be.

Below you will find the first seven steps to take to ensure that 2024 goes as planned. Check the insight.


Take a look back on 2016. Figure out what worked, didn’t work, didn’t go as planned, could’ve been a little different, could have been improved on, left behind, developed, and destroyed. Assess this year thoroughly and allow that assessment to inform how you move forward.

2. Kick Hindering Habits

Look yourself in the mirror and acknowledge this: if it is not adding to you, it is subtracting from you. Right now, at this very moment, is the time to lay bad habits to rest. There is no need to hold on to anything that hasn’t been a tangible addition to your livelihood, spirit, or bank account. Let it go.

3. Clean Your Home

You may have come across a few New Year superstitious in your time that suggests

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that a Happy New Year relies on the cleanliness of your home. Not sure if this is true. Totally sure that tidy spaces allow for the valuable opportunity to think clearly, relax comfortably, and plan accordingly. Wash your clothes, clean under your bed, clean out the fridge and greet the New Year fresh, clean, and renewed.

4. Vision Board

This is where you map out your 2017 plans. Dream big, look far and wide, reach as high as you can and put it all on your vision board. Preparing a vision board helps you to organize your thoughts, dreams, and desires while taking a look at it all, visually, in one place. It is argued that vision boards cater to the law of attraction by letting the universe know where your sight is set thus bringing you a little closer to where you’d like to be. Try it out.

5. New Year’s Resolution

Resolutions tend to get a bad rap, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Though, according to University of Scranton research, just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals, there is nothing wrong with yearly reminders to hit reboot and try to do better. Resolutions allow you to state your intentions and to focus on goals. Even if you happen to go astray after the New Year, your resolutions can serve as a compass to bring you back to where you intend to be.

6. Fish, Black-Eyed peas, Collard Greens.

Eat all three, together, on New Year’s Day, and you’ll have good luck, abundance, and prosperity. These are the rules. It doesn’t have to make sense to work. Just eat it.

7. Put Your Game Face On

You are about to crush 2017. You know this. You can feel it. Go for it.


Safon Floyd is the Digital Editor at Black Enterprise. Follow her @accordingtofon.

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