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New Year, New You: 6 Ways To Reinvent Yourself In 2024

Courtesy Of Pexels

Originally Published Dec. 10, 2015

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Are you ready for a “new you” in the New Year? If so, a good place to start is figuring out which parts of your life need reinvention. Personal, business, or both? Secondly, you have to understand: change is not an overnight process. You’ll have to let go of a few bad habits, clean up your friends list, and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Ultimately, it takes time, discipline, and a diverse network of people who can help guide you through the process.

So, if you’re up for the challenge, here are 6 ways to reinvent yourself in 2024:


Whether you’re aiming for the corner office or planning a new entrepreneurship opportunity,

never take “the business of you” off of your to-do list. Start 2024 right, by dedicating at least one hour each day to working towards your goal. Prioritize your task and be ruthless with your time. Use your calendar and alarm on your devices to set a schedule for your action items and find an accountability partner to help you assess your progress regularly. And get comfortable saying no. It’s only by saying “no” that you can concentrate on the things that are really important, Steve Jobs said.

Find ways to explore opportunities to learn beyond the traditional walls of the classroom. From adding a few stamps to your passport, exploring the neighborhoods in your own back yard, or gaining a better understanding of your market,

next-level success requires a life-long commitment to learning.

With the power of social media, you can connect with almost anyone. But the key here is to be strategic. As you move up the ladder of success, you’ll need to form new alliances that add value

and help you gain new perspectives about your direction. Take stock of your current network. Then, create a plan (30-, 60-, 90-day plan) to identify people you want to learn from or collaborate with. Start to build genuine relationships with them by sending a thank you note, sending an article of interest, congratulating them, and engaging in a two-way dialogue. If possible, schedule a meeting with someone at least once a week.

People buy from people. Sharing your story is a great way to elevate and humanize your brand. It helps you connect with customers and build trust with a community. And, it’s what sets you apart from the competition.

Create something that will outlive you. Publishing a book, podcast, and website, or starting a social movement online around a cause, are all great marketing vehicles to take your brand to the next level while establishing long lasting impact.

Are you one of those people who grab their smartphones as soon as you wake up? If so, you’re not alone. But as you’re checking email, scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram feeds, responding to comments and checking online news sites, a few minutes often turn into a few hours of distractions, which ultimately take you away from turning your dreams into reality. Taking 2-3 days off will not hurt you. To successfully reinvent, you’ll have to unplug from social media and get comfortable spending some time alone so you can challenge your traditional assumptions and figure out next steps. And don’t forget, unplugging from social media also helps you make memories with the people who matter most.

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