June 7, 2016
5 Ways to Stay Productive (and Sane) While Waiting on a TSA Security Line
No, it’s not your imagination. The wait to get through a TSA security line in U.S. airports is getting longer.
Earlier this month, 450 passengers missed flights at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, due to extremely long security lines.
Several factors are causing the glacial pace of moving through airport screening. More people are flying than ever before. Also, there are staffing shortages at TSA checkpoints.
Waiting to get through screening can be frustrating and rage-inducing when you are in danger of missing your flight.
Thank goodness for our mobile devices. They at least provide some relief or escapism as you wait in some airport security line in your socks.
There are several ways to even be productive with your device when standing in line. Here are a few suggestions:
Put your boarding pass on your device: Paper boarding passes are a hassle. They get crumpled, ripped, and even worse, easily lost. You can load your boarding pass right to your smartphone. A great app for doing so is easyJet. The app can be used with airlines in most major airports worldwide. Just check-in and then download the boarding pass to your phone.
Check your flight’s status: The only time you may want a flight delay is when you are stuck in a long TSA line. FlightTrack 5Â is a great flight tracker that will tell you just when it’s time to panic standing in line. Plus, it does push notifications on delays and cancellations and has offline capabilities.
Sign up for pre-screening: Standing forever in a screening line is a great incentive for signing up for TSA Pre. If you are deemed a “low-risk†passenger by Homeland Security, you can get through security much faster.
Get your thoughts, lists, and notes organized: Might as well get some work done while in line. Evernote is a great productivity app. You can do a number of tasks: create a project to-do list; jot down a reminder, or snap a picture of a sketch. Plus, you can install it on multiple devices and sync your content.
Empty your Inbox: You know you keep putting it off. Just do it. Read those unread messages and answer those others.