January 5, 2016
5 Millennials Offer Non-Cliché Advice For Sticking to Your New Year Resolutions
Name: Janell Hazelwood
Title: Journalist/Digital Media Strategist and Chief Content Curator at The Boss Moves
Age: 32
Tip #1: Vision boards were all the rage in 2015, but in 2016 take things a step further and document the plan and progress. I once attended a vision board party where it felt more like frenzied competition of who can be the most creative and over the top than an activity of peace and clarity. What was missing for me was actual image-visualizing steps I’d take to reach the goals the images and photos represented — whether it’s to find a spouse, get a promotion, or save funds for a vacation. James 2:26 details how faith without work is dead.
Also, cut out steps for that fitness plan from an article or include a list of events you can attend to meet new people or be more visible to attract a mate or new job. Put dates with those short-term goals and hold yourself accountable. Have a partner who will help you check in on those goals or even someone who will participate in making them happen with you. Have a progress party instead of repeating the same old vision board parties of yesteryear.
Tip #2: If you just started a business, join a Mastermind Group in 2016. I’m a budding entrepreneur and I started on my own, full-time, in the last two quarters of 2015. Oftentimes you’ll be so focused on transitioning and making sure you’re able to sustain the old life you had, that you forget to enjoy, accept, and set the foundation for the new one you’ve chosen.
Mastermind groups are a great way to not only remain inspired, but to shake off fear and anxiety of isolation in trying to reach your highest business goals. There’s only but so much you can do as a one-woman (or one-man) show when you’re just starting out, and if you’re like me, you may have thought you could just ‘thug it out’ on your own.
Try MeetUp.com to find masterminds in your area or start one of your own by creating groups via LinkedIn, Periscope or entrepreneurship forums; support events that have panels or discussions featuring budding and experienced entrepreneurs. Try incubators or invest in a co-working space where you are constantly interacting with other budding entrepreneurs you can learn from, partner with, and even cry with when the going gets tough.