January 5, 2016
5 Millennials Offer Non-Cliché Advice For Sticking to Your New Year Resolutions
Name: Gwen Jimmere
Title: CEO/Founder of Naturalicious
Age: 33
Tip: The way I plan to stay on track with my 2016 goals is by following the principles and concepts of The 12 Week Year. This book suggests that rather than planning an entire 12 month year, break your plans and goals into 12 week periods, thus viewing this time period as a 12 week year, rather than a 12 month year. In doing so, since 12 weeks is a ‘year,’ then one month becomes a week, and a week becomes a day–thereby forcing you to develop actionable items to actively meet each goal you set during this time. The idea is that 12 weeks is a long enough time period to accomplish your most immediate goals, while being short enough to create the real sense of urgency necessary for high productivity and goal-attainment.
I’ve been utilizing this method for the past two quarters in both my personal and professional life, and my productivity has been through the roof. I’m definitely implementing this for all of 2016 and beyond.