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Holiday Gifts To Simplify The Life Of An Entrepreneur

Wondering what to get the entrepreneur in your life for the holidays? Check out this great gift list.

Originally Published Dec. 15, 2015

Entrepreneurs live, eat, sleep, and breathe their businesses. So if you’re stuck on what to give the entrepreneur in your life for the holidays, think of ways to help simplify their lives. Here are some great gift ideas to consider:

Source: Photo by Prostock-Studio/Getty Images

Food or grocery delivery service

Fresh Direct is an online grocery shopping service that allows you to shop from your office and have the groceries delivered to your home. Blue Apron delivers the ingredients that you need to make a delicious gourmet meal at home. Prices vary based on your choice of subscription.


Source: Photo by Carol Yepes/Getty Images

Inspirational message art

Despite the glitz and glam of entrepreneurship, it gets frustrating and sometimes you need a little inspiration. Consider giving a gift of inspiration, such as framed art with quotes or an entrepreneur coffee mug with a motivational message.


Source: Photo by Adene Sanchez/Getty Images

A gift of experience

Most small business owners are notorious for working around the clock. Give the gift of an outdoor experience to help them find clarity. From guided city tours to spa services and golf outings, Virgin Experiences provides a range of unique experiences as gifts.


Michelle Obama, Tamira Chapman, Publishing, Black Women
Source: Photo by Maryna Terletska/Getty Images

Business book

Life-long learning is key to success for entrepreneurs. Check out this great list of books to help entrepreneurs build million-dollar businesses.

Do you have any great gift ideas for entrepreneurs? Share with us in the comments section below.


Do you have any great gift ideas for entrepreneurs? Share with us in the comments section below.

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