5 Great Online Money Management Tools

Smarty Pig
Cost: Free
If your goal is saving, try SmartyPig.
SmartyPig is an FDIC-insured online savings account that lets you put funds aside for specific goals that can range from a wedding to a new computer. Contributions toward the goal will come from your other checking or savings accounts. You can also synchronize the account with Facebook, Twitter, and other social media to let friends and family see your progress and perhaps donate to your cause.

Cost: Free
If your goal is tracking your spending, try Moneytrackin’.
Moneytrackin.com helps you monitor all your accounts, giving you a bird’s-eye view of your balances and transactions at any given time. You can also set limits on spending in specific accounts. One of its most helpful features enables members who are working on financial goals to share tips with each other.

Cost: From Free For Basic
Features – $4.99/Month For
Unlimited Budgeting & Financial Projection Capabilities
If your goal is general money management, try Buxfer.
Buxfer helps you monitor your spending, set savings goals, and even track debts owed to friends, giving you one place to get a handle on your entire financial picture. Once you set up your budget, spending reports make it easy to see which categories you’re spending the most money in and to set limits in certain categories if needed. You can also have alerts sent to your cellphone.

Cost: Free; $99.95 To File Federal Return; $39.95 Additional To File A State Return
If your goal is tax planning, try TurboTax.
TurboTax provides you with step-by-step guidance for filling out your return. It also walks you through dealing with the consequences of important life changes that can affect your tax situation, such as getting married, having a baby, or buying or selling a house. The site can download your investment and savings information directly from your bank.
