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4 Simple Ways to Show Your Value At Work

If you’re like most people, you’ll reach a point in your career, when you’ll be ready to get promoted or ask your employer for a pay raise. But take note; your success depends greatly on the value you’ve demonstrated in the workplace.

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Based on your employer, work values may vary in level of importance. So it’s important to have a

discussion with your immediate supervisor about specific ways you demonstrate impact. Typically, values include commitment, efficient use of time, materials or money, safety or adaptability, professionalism, or leadership.

Here are four simple ways to show your value at work:

Become known as the go-to person or expert for a task, process, or event


Do you recognize gaps in a process at work? Is a task overly complicated? Be prepared to speak up during meetings and talk about resources and steps to help the team accomplish their goals. Also, think about ways you can streamline or simplify the process to improve efficiency or make it easy for someone to do their job. Once your results become predictable, people will begin to see you as an invaluable asset to the team.

Take on stretch projects


Typically, stretch projects are short-term assignments that give you an opportunity to demonstrate your readiness to take on more responsibility for the next level in your career and increase your visibility at work. Additionally, you can find ways to work across functions or departments and present reports and presentations at leadership meetings.

Go above and beyond expectations


Adopt a forward-thinking mindset and anticipate the needs of your team, customer, or supervisor. Think about ways to connect people or create templates or systems that can make their lives easier.

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Simply put, do what you say you are going to do. You’d be surprised at how far commitment and consistency can take you up the ladder of success.

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