summer, fun, improve yourself, glow up

There’s No Time Like Summertime For Self-Improvement 

Here is how you can develop yourself this summer.

Originally Published Aug. 4, 2017. 

Beyond enjoying backyard barbecues and waves at the beach, summer is the perfect time to take your skills to the next level. Here are four ways to develop yourself this summer.

Get uncomfortable and fit

Whether it’s preparing for a bodybuilding contest or taking a fitness and adventure travel vacation, professional development and self-care go hand in hand.

Reading, books

Join a challenge

Experts say it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a habit, so if you’ve wanted to reduce your spending, lose weight, or unclutter your mind with meditation, starting a 21- or even a 30-day challenge with friends is a great way to get a jump-start on achieving your goals.

Skydiving, Do one thing that scares you

Do one thing that scares you

You know that one thing you keep putting off because you’re concerned about what people might think? Or the one activity you dream about doing but you haven’t mustered the courage to take action yet?

Volunteer or get involved with a charity

Volunteer or get involved with a charity

Try lending your expertise to a function of a charitable organization (like social media management) or providing hands-on support to daily operations such as feeding the homeless.

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