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3 Ways to Achieve Your Financial New Year’s Resolution In Just 30 Days

Money coach Lynnnette Khalfani-Cox gives you three key tips to help you reach your financial goals in 2024--in just 30 days!

Originally Published Dec. 23, 2011

Thirty days.

That’s roughly how long the average American sticks to his or her New Year’s resolution.

If we’re honest about our financial New Year’s resolutions — like saving money, organizing our finances better, or laying off the credit cards — many of us will admit that we might not even make 30 days.

But what if there was a way to jump-start your finances in 2024 so that even if your willpower waned after a month or so, you’d still be enormously ahead of the game?

Actually, there are several steps you can take to greatly improve your chances of achieving your financial goals in the coming year.

Here are three powerful ways to turbocharge your finances in 2024. These strategies can also help you make the most out of just 30 days in the New Year.

Give yourself a one-month challenge.

Behavioral experts say it takes about three or four weeks for you to do something repeatedly and have that action turn into a habit that lasts. So give yourself a one-month challenge to do or stop doing something to improve your finances.

If you want to start a good habit, try logging your expenses daily to track your spending better. Alternatively, you could carpool to work or even just put every dollar you get into a savings jar each day. Remember, you only have to do it for one month.

At the end of 30 days, you can always stop or tweak what you’re doing. But you will likely be so satisfied with the benefits of your newfound habit that you will decide to stick with it for the long haul.

To eliminate a bad habit like overspending, consider not visiting your favorite retail store for 30 days, not carrying your credit cards with you each day to avoid impulse shopping, or not eating out at all for one month.

Join a financial boot camp.

Boot camp addresses some of your most pressing financial questions and concerns and deals with your most stubborn financial challenges. For example, you’ll learn how to save money quickly on your immediate and long-term bills, including groceries, communications, housing, and more.

You’ll get the skinny on how to manage credit and debt wisely. You’ll figure out what you need to do to adequately protect yourself, your family, and your assets against unforeseen circumstances like a layoff or illness. And you’ll get a game plan to save more money for retirement and other future-oriented financial goals.

Get started now

Why wait until Jan. 1, April 15, or some other arbitrary date in the future to begin fixing your finances? Start taking charge of your money matters today just by adopting this motto: “Think-Do.”

Simply put, it means when you think of something you know you should do, or need to do, go ahead and tackle that task immediately. Think-Do.

For instance, if you’ve been too scared to check your credit report, you can order it online today from Done.

If you’ve neglected to buy much-needed life insurance, you can get life insurance quotes today from Done.

Or, if you’ve put off organizing your tax records, you can start gathering your receipts and financial paperwork today. Done.

Exactly what you do isn’t as important as doing something — and doing so today.

If you put the “Think-Do” strategy into practice for 30 days, you’ll be amazed at how much gets accomplished.

By taking just one small but powerful action step, you push past the inertia and inaction that cripples many people financially. Instead of procrastinating important financial goals month after month, you’ll address many of those issues in just 30 days.

So, instead of making and breaking financial New Year’s resolutions, this time, simply put these three ideas into practice for one month — and watch your finances reach another level of success in 2024 and beyond.

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