February 24, 2022
24-Year Old to Make History as Youngest Black Female Pilot For Commercial Airlines
Miracle Izuchukwu, who is from New York City, will soon break barriers when she officially becomes part of the 1% of Black female pilots for major commercial airlines around the world.
Now 24-years old, she is currently in training to become a Commercial Airline Pilot and continues to inspire other people with her story.
Miracle, whose parents are Nigerian, says that she grew up in a very discouraging environment. She said her ambitions were often looked down on because of her gender, but she did not let it stop her from dreaming big.
She initially joined the aviation industry when she became a flight attendant with American Airlines. She had always wanted to become a pilot since when she first encountered one while she was still working as a customer service representative.
Excited, Miracle told her father about her plan but she said he told her that “if he gets on a plane and sees a woman as the pilot, he would get off the plane.”
Despite that, she believed that she will make it. She used that discouragement as fuel to keep her going. Indeed, she earned her Private Pilots License in 2021.
“Whoever it is praying for me, don’t stop, it’s working. I joined the elite group of 7% of females and 1% of black female pilots in the world. It’s an exhilarating, yet surreal feeling to introduce myself to the world as a Pilot,” Miracle wrote on her Instagram post.
Currently, she is in training to become a Commercial Airline pilot, and she shares tips about pilot training as well as encouraging stories about her journey on her social media pages.
This article first appeared on Blacknews.com.