2013 Best Companies for Diversity

See HispanicBusiness.com’s list of the best companies for diversity in 2013.

The companies that appear on the HispanicBusiness 2013 Best Companies for Diversity list are not there by accident. These are the companies that, time and time again, you will find winning diversity awards and being recognized for their efforts to promote and provide a diverse workplace. And for the most part, the 2013 list has some very familiar names from our past Best Companies indexes.

Companies on the list are ranked in five broad categories: board and leadership, recruitment, retention and promotion, marketing and community outreach, and supplier diversity. We look for companies that are not only well represented in personnel by Hispanics, but that make an ongoing effort to hire, retain and promote individuals from minority groups.

Outreach efforts to Hispanic consumers as well as involvement in philanthropic services that benefit minority groups also score well. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, a concentrated effort, with sound results, of promoting and pursuing supplier diversity is critical.
