October 20, 2011
Finding Life Balance, Day 3: Create In Yourself a Giving Heart and Spirit
In day 3 of our Life Balance series, we urge high achievers – whose journey to excellence can be filled with reward, hard work, and quite a bit of stress – to find ways to give back, not only to help others but to ultimately contribute to positive reciprocity in their own path to success:
Method 3:Â Maintain a giving heart and spirit, and find ways to offer your time and to your community, family and friends.
Most know that giving back to society and those in need is one of the most meaningful activities we can engage in. In fact, many very successful people believe that giving is directly tied to their continued success. Having a giving heart and spirit not only creates more opportunities for you to provide for others, but doing so allows more opportunities for your continued success to manifest in your life, and others: what impacts one impacts us all. Achievement and accomplishments come from the work of our hands and minds, but true success and fulfillment comes from giving of the heart. Not just donating your time through charitable work or financial donations, but also allocating precious time to family and friends. Being present and accessible to loved ones is the ultimate gift for others … and yourself.
Check us out tomorrow for Day 4’s method: Live in Your P.O.W.E.R â„¢
Sheri Riley is founder and chief partnership strategist of GLUE Inc., a premier entertainment consulting and management agency with clients including Converse and CVS Pharmacy. Having a background working with the industry’s top achievers, Riley strives to motivate, teach and inform via her second role as creator of Exponential Living L.L.C., a concept that focuses on creating holistic life balance.
Day 1, Healthy Living Goes Beyond Watching Diet
Day 2: Seek Peace in Not Some — But All — Aspects
Day 4: Channel Your P.O.W.E.R.
Day 5: Take a Moment to Pause and Evaluate
Day 6: Make Joy and Contentment Your Lifestyle