July 26, 2011
The Case of the I’mas: More Talk Than Action is Never a Good Thing
There was never any effort on his part to get started. As a result, I felt it a waste of time to spend any extra effort to help him, though his ideas were awesome. His wishy-washy, dream mentality was a turn off, and I’m sure prospective investors would have had a hard time taking him seriously.
The people achieving success, especially in their careers or in business, are doers, driven by trial and error. They are self-motivated and are too busy DOING; not talking.
One doer I know closed on a new condo, and though we’re tight like a Venus and Serena team-up, I knew nothing about it until visiting her new address. We laughed over dinner as she told me about how happy she was to own her first home.
Another entrepreneur friend of mine added beauty products to her fashion and beauty consulting brand recently. One day, as we were meeting to have a ladies night, she offered me a chance to try her body butters which were already packaged and available for sale. I knew nothing about it until that night.
A father and enterprising actor I recently interviewed just celebrated founding a publishing company he started with his daughter. “I saw the potential in my daughter and what she was offering … I asked her if she wanted people around the world to read her books. She agreed, and we just did it.”
Point. Blank. Period.
I find this to be a great skill to develop and cultivate—managing the chatter until the talk becomes reality. Less talk. More doing.
Unless talking will take you straight to the bank (hence my entry into the world of media, LOL), less talk and more action is often key to making moves for success in life.
Here’s a challenge: If you have something you’ve always wanted to do, just do it. And if you have something you’ve been procrastinating about, talking won’t get you further to completing that task. Just get started.
Don’t be an I’ma. Time to show and prove.