Get in on the secret that retailers have known for years: the Sharper Image Wrinkle-Free Garment Steamer. This high-powered steamer will give even the most expensive of irons a run for their money.
tom-banner ampforwp-incontent-ad1">If you’re pressed for time, this is the perfect gadget for you. It only takes 60 seconds to warm, and it starts removing wrinkles immediately. It’s great on all types of fabrics, from heavy upholstery to delicate silks. Just fill the 7-oz. container with water, plug it in, and you’re off. You can steam out wrinkles and odor with incredible ease.
The steamer’s compact size makes it great for trips and vacations. No starch or ironing board are needed, and gone are the accidental iron prints burned into fabrics ($39.95;