May 2, 2016
Reactions to Larry Wilmore’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner Speech
While President Obama received rave reviews for his final White House Correspondents dinner speech, host Larry Wilmore closed out his remarks with a joke that left the mostly-white audience choking on their champagne.
As he wrapped up his performance, the comedian reflected on experiencing the nation’s first black presidency.
“When I was a kid I lived in a country where people couldn’t accept a black quarterback,” Wilmore said. “Now think about that: A black man was thought by his mere color not good enough to lead a football team. And now to live in your time, Mr. President, when a black man can lead the entire free world.”
What started off as an innocent anecdote then took a sharp left turn.
“Words alone do me no justice. So Mr. President I’m going to keep it 100… Yo Barry, you did it my n-gg-,” Wilmore said, pounding his chest with his fist. “You did it.”
– The Nightly Show (@nightlyshow) May 1, 2016
As expected, people had a lot to say:
Not that I’ve been asked to do so recently. But I will never appear on any program with @larrywilmore as a host. #Disgraceful #NerdProm – Van Jones (@VanJones68) May 1, 2016
I wish white people were as offended by police brutality and mass incarceration as they are by black people using the N-word. #WHCD
– Brandon E. Patterson (@myblackmindd) May 1, 2016
.@TheRevAl slams @larrywilmore for calling @POTUS Obama the N-word, said “in poor taste” https://t.co/Q4obHW8Zmf pic.twitter.com/6rzf8Wv268 – New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) May 1, 2016
Piers Morgan’s next troll piece just wrote itself
– John Legend (@johnlegend) May 1, 2016
My new @DailyMail column, as suggested by @johnlegend, is about @larrywilmore dropping the N-word bomb on @BarackObama. Posting soon. – Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) May 2, 2016
Chin up, Larry Wilmore. History might vindicate your speech – like Stephen Colbert’s https://t.co/MIEGMxDMEe
– Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) May 2, 2016
Seriously. What the hell did you think @larrywilmore was going to go there and do? Of course he went “there.” That’s what he does. – Shaun King (@ShaunKing) May 2, 2016
This is exactly the acid, uncomfortable routine that room deserved. Well done, Larry Wilmore. https://t.co/qVPaxspj2R
– Lydia Polgreen (@lpolgreen) May 1, 2016
@Deray @marclamonthill My reaction to Larry Wilmore telling Pres Obama “Ima keep it , you did it my nigga” #WHCD pic.twitter.com/yJmqxeQJ3q – Faatimah Star (@FaahStar1) May 1, 2016