May 27, 2015
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Announces $30 Million in Funding for Summer Youth Employment Program
In an effort to keep youth active and engaged in productive activities during their summer break, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced $30 million in funding for the state’s Summer Youth Employment Program.
The program will provide more job opportunities for low-income youth who are between the ages of 14 and 20 and who have a family income below 200 percent of the poverty level, which is equal to $39,850 for a family of three. With these funds, employers will be able to support education and training activities, as well as counseling and employment-related services such as transportation to and from work.
“Landing that first summer job has a positive effect on young people that spans well into adulthood,” WKTV.com reports Gov. Cuomo saying. “By funding these positions we are giving businesses the summer help they need, as well as creating the opportunity for youth to both earn a paycheck and learn valuable skills that will last a lifetime.”
[Related: Jay Z Meets with New York Governor to Discuss Criminal Justice Reform]
Gov. Cuomo’s $30 million funding to the state’s youth employment program follows New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s collection earlier this month of $3.2 million to fund the development of the state’s Center for Youth Employment.
To learn more about how young people can participate in New York’s Summer Youth Employment Program contact your local department of social services or visit www.labor.ny.gov/youthjobs.